pastor mike's annual report
~ 2019~
How exciting as we enter a new decade year prayerfully visualizing ministry opportunities here at Versailles Baptist Church. What a joy it is serving as your pastor with such a loving and caring congregation. We are blessed with many amazing ministry activities in our church and community. Brenda and I are so grateful for all the opportunities serving with you here at Versailles Baptist Church. We are thankful too for your prayers and for all you do in the spirit of Christian love. We serve a gracious God and He will lead us toward another successful year. The activities and accomplishments during 2019 are as follows:
A highlight of this past year was adding four new members to our church family by profession of faith and baptism were Joe Mohr, Lakota Mohr, and Hailey Mills. Rebecca Mohr joined our church family by transfer of letter from Westfork Baptist Church.
Our Senior Adult Luncheon and Activities Ministry is a blessing and continues to grow with new people attending each month. A delicious lunch, fellowship time, games and activities are provided each month. We meet every fourth Wednesday each month from 12 noon – 3:00 PM. This ministry is an outreach extending not only to our church family but also to our community and beyond. Our highest number attending so far is 65 since this ministry started in April 2017. We are thankful for the ladies who prepare the food for this ministry.
Served as a teacher for the Good News Club along with other team members of Versailles Baptist Church at South Ripley Elementary School. Our theme in spring was God: the Creator King and our fall session theme was God’s Sovereignty: The Life of Joseph. Taught the third and four grade children Bible lessons and presented the gospel message of salvation in each session. These were six lesson series with Scripture taken from various books of the Bible.
Participated in the agape meal & communion service held on Maundy Thursday, April 18th. We had a good representation from our congregation and others here that evening.
Participated in the Good Friday Service at Osgood United Methodist Church Osgood, IN Friday, April 19th at 12 noon. There were 109 people that attended this service.
Met with the Women’s Prayer Shawl Ministry to pray over shawls. This ministry touches so many lives of our church families, extended families and community. I appreciate meeting with the prayer shawl ladies and praying over the shawl made.
Wrote a Christmas news article in December for the Southern Ripley Ministerial Association to the Ripley Publishing Newspaper (Osgood Journal) entitled “The Christ Child Came and He Is Coming Again!”
Versailles Baptist Church hosted the annual scholarship recipients for the American Baptist Brotherhood Monday, June 3rd. Two of our young men were recipients of the Brotherhood Scholarship. My devotion for the evening was entitled “God has a Plan for Your Life” -Proverbs 3:5-6 and Versailles Baptist Church choir shared special music for the evening. There was a good turn out and our ladies provided refreshments following the program. We had good representations from the Laughery Association of Churches.
Served as Camp Pastor at Jr. Church Camp – Grades 4-6 at Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp during June 9-14th. There were 19 decisions made – 11 profession of faith, 1 renewal of commitment, and 7 for prayer and counseling. The theme for the Jr. Camp was “Christians Seeking Instruction” (CSI). It was a great week at Jr. Church Camp.
Attended Laughery Association Brotherhood (ABM) meetings at our local churches. Men are encouraged to attend these services which help support the ministries in Laughery Association.
Participated in a one day Vacation Bible School Friday, July 13th. This was a combined effort with the Tyson United Methodist Church. We had around 55 kids not counting workers from Tyson United Methodist and Versailles Baptist Church. Served as the coordinator for recreation along with several youth as helpers. The theme was “Roar” and we had good participation in activities with the children.
Had Officer Ethan McGivern from the Indianapolis area come and present a church security safety presentation to Versailles Baptist Church along with other area churches which was well attended. The session lasted only three hours. The information given was great!
Help plan and participated in the Laughery Baptist Association “Together 4 Resurrection” services held at various churches in Laughery Association. These services started on Ash Wednesday, March 6th and Sunday evening services continued through Easter Sunday, April 21st. There were a total of six pre-Easter services which were all well attended.
Brenda and I participated in the workday at church trimming bushes, raking and cleaning up the trimmings July 6th @ 8:00 AM. We had a good turnout of those that helped and all the work accomplished was much appreciated which made the church grounds look great.
Participated in the graduating seniors’ appreciation breakfast at 8:15 AM, recognition service and gift presentation Sunday, May 19th during the morning worship service.
Participated and officiated the Christmas Eve Service held Tuesday evening, December 24th @ 5:00 PM. It was well attended and the worship time and sharing of the Lord’s Supper was a highlight of the service. The service ended with lighting of candles. It was a wonderful time of celebration the birth of Jesus Christ. Brenda and I provided the big star that hung above the cross for the Christmas services theme.
Helped plan the Laughery Association Baptist Annual Celebration at Osgood Baptist Church, Osgood, IN. A brief business meeting was conducted electing new officers for the year; special music was shared along with devotion by the new Region Minister Mark Thompson. We had a meal following the meeting and everyone enjoyed the worship time and fellowship together.
Taught the Wednesday Bible study which is a great time of Bible learning and ministry of Versailles Baptist Church. Our participation has been fairly good and the Lord is truing blessing our time together. We encourage church everybody to come and participate in an opportunity to learn more about the biblical truths. It is an excellent of participation and fellowship.
Participated with the deacons by delivering 17 fruit baskets to widows, widowers, and shut-ins of Versailles Baptist Church Saturday, December 14th. This is a great ministry and it is an enjoyable time visiting and praying with each person that is given a fruit basket.
Officiated funerals of the following people: Mary C. Kamman Thayer, 7-16-19; Duane Hooton, 7-19-19; Ruth Walsh, 7-27-19.
Drove the church bus on two separate occasions to Clarksville, IN to the Derby Dinner Theater Wednesday, May 15 and Wednesday, September 11th. The shows were fun, entertaining and the food along with the fellowship with everyone was great.
Versailles Baptist Church participated in “Operation Smoke Detect” a ministry supported by the Indiana State Fire Marshall which provided the “smoke detector.” The people that are a part of this ministry are Dennis Schwanholt, Tom and Shirley Pavey, Jr. Powell and Pastor Mike. 38 smoke detectors have been installed so far including members of our congregation and community.
In addition to conducting regular worship services, Wednesday evening Bible study, attending meetings of various types such as Church Boards and Committee, Community events, Laughery Baptist Association of churches, Laughery Baptist Men’s Brotherhood, State Regional meetings, and Westport Camp meetings, I also attended church/organizational meetings, visited in the homes of church members, visited shut-ins, nursing homes, hospitals, funeral homes and new prospective church members.
Year 2019 was a good and productive year ministering to the needs of our congregation and community. All the activities and ministries that Versailles Baptist Church provide are well worth the time and effort as we witness additions to our church family.
As the Lord continues to lead us, the year 2020 will be even greater as we serve, and seek God’s Will for His kingdom. Brenda and I look forward to serving with you and we will be praying continually with you and for you this year. We covert your prayers and support as your pastor. All things are possible through Christ our Lord. Let us prayerfully make 2020 another great and exciting year in the LORD!
In Christ’s Service
Pastor Mike