American Baptist Youth (ABY) 2019
We continued our combined ABY youth group in 2019 consisting of both Jr High and High School teens led by Alan & Crystal Welch and Liz Linville. We’ve had a great group of consistent teens this year who are well behaved and have a strong walk with their Lord Jesus Christ. We’ve had several friends of teens attend off and on who we always enjoy having with us. We average from 4 to 8 teens attending regular meetings with higher numbers up to 16 attending special outings.
We didn’t get to start our regular meetings this year until the end of February due to bad weather conditions. We met on Sunday evenings or held outings about once to twice a month. Our meetings usually utilized both the Family Life Center and ABY Youth Room. They consisted of playing games, planning for future events, enjoying snacks, listening to a devotion by one of the leaders, and ending in a circle prayer. On special events or outings, we try to always give a devotion and say prayer. The leaders continue to keep in contact with the teens and their parents through texting and our Facebook group.
Our ABY checking account balance at the end 2019 is $488.27, which includes $220 given to us to use for ‘Outreach’ from the interest of the late Ted Spurlock’s account at the Ripley County Community Foundation. We did not need to hold a big fundraiser this past year, but looking at doing one in 2020, so we can plan more activities.
Our biggest outing this past year was enjoying the Cincinnati Zoo on April 28. We provided brunch after church service up in the ABY room, and then headed to the zoo in the church’s mini-bus with 10 teens. Our tickets included experiencing a short 4D movie, riding the train, and even riding the carousel! We had a great day walking around and seeing all the animals.
We are thankful for Pastor Mike and Brenda joining ABY when they are available. We found out that Pastor Mike has hidden his talent of bowling from us all these years. He beat us all! We are also thankful for the Lord’s many blessings and for everyone who supports the youth of our church.
Listed next in chronological order are ABY’s activities and events for 2019. We are already planning an outing in January to use a portion of our ‘outreach’ money. Looking forward to 2020! May God bless you all!
ABY Leaders: Alan & Crystal Welch and Liz Linville
* Participated in Youth Sundays throughout the year
* Stuffed baggies in March for the 30 Pieces of Silver Fundraiser at Easter (Total raised = $312.45)
* Supplied candy and stuffed candy into plastic eggs in April for the annual Easter egg hunt
* Hid eggs for the Children’s Easter Egg Hunt after Sunday school in April
* Visited the Cincinnati Zoo with 10 teens in April
* Donated $50 in April to past ABY Grad, Russina Moore, for her mission trip to Honduras
* Handed out gifts to 4 ABY graduates on Graduate Recognition Sunday in May. Each grad received an engraved picture frame holding a picture of the grad’s handprint painted on the wall in the ABY room.
* Awarded the David Hensley ABY Memorial Gift of $300 split between two graduates, Trent Linville and Elexah Roepke. Balance of account after receiving donations & paying out awards = $465.
* Sponsored ‘Casual Sunday’ fundraiser in June (Total raised = $103)
* Worked a full day at Westport Church Camp in June with 4 teens completing unfinished summer tasks
* Packed and served lunches at Pangburn Park with 3 teens in June
* Helped at our Vacation Bible School in July; (7 teens from our church in addition to Tyson Methodist Church’s teens)
* Participated in short skit at church’s 190th anniversary celebration with 4 teens
* Treated 4 graduates along with 3 other teens and 5 adults to Chili’s restaurant in Greensburg for our annual Graduate Farewell Dinner in August
* Held a ‘Bowling and Pizza Bash’ at Pollard’s Bowling Alley in September with 9 teens attending
* Provided a light breakfast after the ‘See You at the Pole’ annual event in September at South Ripley High School for all who attended event
* Attended the ‘Hearts & Hands for Haiti’ program and dinner at Tyson Methodist Church with 4 teens in October
* Carved personal pumpkins on tables in the Family Life Center with 7 teens in October; Donated 4 extra pumpkins to Holton Christian Church’s youth group to carve
* Held Annual Hotdog Roast & Hayride at the Welch’s in October with 12 teens from our church and 4 teens from Tyson Methodist Church whom we invited
* Shopped for Operation Christmas Child in November with 8 teens filling 30 shoeboxes in 2 hours with items purchased and donated from our church
* Dedicated & prayed over 65 shoeboxes during Worship service in November for children receiving shoeboxes
* Participated in the Hanging of the Greens Service in November
* Received $220 from the late Ted Spurlock fund at the Ripley County Community Foundation in December to be used for ‘Outreach’
* Enjoyed our Annual Christmas Dinner & Party at the Linville’s house in December with 6 teens & 2 college students (even with traveling on snow covered roads…God kept us safe!)